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经过一段时间的车辆测试之后,MXA杂志组成员对250组的所有车辆进行了细致的比较,发现了他们的缺点和优点,发现了他们的车辆改进和不足。 我们详细测试了各种车辆,但是在我们最终宣布最后结果之前,我们先看看各项数据中的强者。 2009款250车型中谁做了最多改进?! (1) 川崎2009 KX250F做出了最多的技术改进,新型的车价和副车架,重量减轻3.3磅。川崎也花了大功夫给齿轮箱,摇臂和曲轴做了很大的革新。其他的还有减震器,发动机,设计美学等等。所以川崎是最大革新的车型。 (2) KTM在去年的测试中获得的最后一名并不是我们愿意看到的,事实上,KTM确实是非常好的车子。只不过去年车辆在动力传输,减震等方面有一些设计缺陷,导致去年评分过低。去年的失误使得今年奥地利人仔细的改进了很多方面的参数,所以今年改进和革新方面KTM排行第二。主要改进在于动力输出,改进减震器阻尼,减震器多了调节转盘。 (3) 雅马哈,上次看到雅马哈有较好改进的时候还是老布什在白宫的时候,呵呵。很多地方,雅马哈认为他们不需要进行改进。确实,在很多年历史上,雅马哈的机器确实在250组里面有比较好的表现(雅马哈开创的250组的比赛)。2009年,雅马哈的工程师终于决定进行一系列的改进了,最大的改变就是加氢重整装置在发动机里面的运用,使得发动机更加轻,而且灵活性和强度得到有效提升。总体上2009款的YZF250比去年的车子有17处改变。 (4) 本田去年虽然获得5大厂商的首名,但是2008 CRF250r的设计缺陷是非常明显的。2008年的车子前减震非常的糟糕,而且化油器喷油的问题就和“The Waterboy”差不多效果(我不懂什么意思,大约是说不好的意思)。2009年,本田做了一系列的改进,但是遗憾的是,没有改进前减震器和化油器的问题。今年最大的改进是新的排气系统和内缸头设计。
(5) 2009年的铃木rm-z250技术层面上没有做任何改进,无非是新的坐垫包和新的贴纸变化。所以,2008年的车和2009年的车一模一样。 哪个车辆拥有最平衡全面的动力? (1) Honda. 本田,因为2009年的机器新的缸头设计使得力量比原先的要强一些。 (2) Kawasaki.MXA杂志的试车手们非常喜欢KX250F的动力,发动机有纯正的赛用风格。尽管它在低扭不是最强的,但是中段和高段的时候非常优异。对于比赛选手来说,川崎的动力输出最适合比赛强度。尽管它也不是最大动力的车子,但是它的动力丝毫不差的在赛道里面能发挥出来。非常有趣的是,2009款的车子虽然做了很多改进,但是发动机却基本保持2008年的完美状态。 (3)Yamaha. 为了加强首段和中段力量和油门感应,雅马哈的工程师延长的排气首段60MM,吧消音管缩短了50mm。每个MXA的试车手到体会到的这个变化。 很不幸的是,这个变化不足以使YZ250F的发动机独树一帜。所以2009年的YZ250F需要更多的变化才能使它和其他几款车子抗衡。 (4) KTM. 应该,能够,希望。这些吃都是能形容2008年KTM 250SXF的动力的。 2009年,KTM改进了后段的力量,但是这种改进却被表现一般的档位组合所掩盖了,效果不明显了。所以,原厂车如果在后牙盘上再多加一个齿的话,会表现的更加优异。这样的话,在保持高转速的情况下(到达12000转),KTM是所有车之中,后段力量最强的车子。 (5) Suzuki.铃木的车子,所有的测试车手都觉得非常有趣,这种有趣不是最适合的比赛动力输出。任何其他车辆都不能和铃木的车子后段的爆炸性动力相比,但是当转速不断提升的时候,它的动力会下降。每个试车手都认为,如果后段动力区间再宽一些的话,铃木车子是非常完美的。 哪个车子的动力峰值最高?
(1) KTM. 如果说是动力峰值,很显然就是KTM轻而易举的胜过所有对手。KTM有着最强峰值的发动机。不过大家认为,如果KTM发动机能在中断发力,后段再继续爆发的话会更加好。205SXF发动力在5000到10000转的时候表现的力量不是很足,但是10800到13200转的时候,发动机就像发疯似的,峰值38.6匹马力,比第二名的车子高了1.5匹马力。 (2) Honda. 从8200转到11300转,2009年的本田是强者。它虽然没有最强的动力,但是它设计的比较均衡。2009年CRF250R峰值 37.1匹马力。 (3) Suzuki. 铃木的车子在5200到6000转的时候表现的非常优异。但是再向后就有点软下去了。峰值是3东北摩托联盟8匹马力。
(4) Yamaha. 雅马哈从6500到8200转表现的很好。之后就开始下降动力。峰值在3东北摩托联盟1匹马力。 (5) Kawasaki. 川崎不是动力最澎湃的车子,但是感谢上帝,他是赛道表现最好的车子。6000到10000转的时候表现的十分优异。虽然它的峰值只有35.4匹马力,到那时所有试车手认为它是表现最优异的车子,都认为数据不能代表一切。呵呵。
谁是操控性最好的车子? (1) Suzuki. Suzuki’s handling goals have long been centered around quickness, accuracy and precision. They have done a great job achieving their objectives. Unlike many previous Suzukis, which traded stability for cornering ability, the 2009 RM-Z250 has acceptable stability at speed. Every MXA test rider was enamored with the RM-Z250’s handling ability, making it the winner in every discussion of handling. (2) Honda. The gap between the handling of the RM-Z250 and the CRF250 is quite large, although a lot of it is magnified by the softness of the Suzuki forks and the harshness of Honda’s Showa forks. Suspension aside, the Honda is a good second choice when it comes to the handling sweepstakes. After we lowered the oil height in the Showa forks, the CRF250 handled much better. (3) KTM. The KTM, like the Honda CRF250, suffers from serious midstroke harshness. If the MXA test riders had ridden the KTM without working on the forks, they would have rated it dead last. Thankfully, with the oil height lowered the forks allowed the KTM to become much more stable and precise. (4) Yamaha. There are bikes that don’t do anything really right, but don’t do anything really wrong, either. That defines the 2009 Yamaha YZ250F. Every MXA test rider agreed that the YZ250F handled okay. There were no frills or thrills to the chassis. In comparison, the 2009 YZ250F handles better than the 2008 model because the chassis feels more alive on the entrance to turns. All in all, though, it’s a milquetoast handler. (5) Kawasaki. There is no doubt that Kawasaki’s engineers knew they had some handling issues in the past. How do we know? They made an effort to change in 2009. Changing the offset from 24.5mm to 23.5mm and making numerous chassis adjustments proves that they wanted to fix the KX250F’s tendency to stand up in the center of corners and push from the center-out. They had good intentions, but it didn't work. We did everything to the 2009 KX250F that we did to the 2008 to fix the cranky cornering (i.e., 22mm offset triple clamps and Pro Circuit linkage). 哪个车辆有最好的前减震器? (1) Yamaha. Would it sound harsh if we said that Yamaha is the only company that seems to be trying in the fork department? The YZ250F’s Kayaba SSS (Speed Sensitive System) forks had us at “Hello.” The YZ250F uses stiff spring rates to accommodate Joe Racer, but the softer damping allows for a plush feel that’s forgiving and lets the forks use their full stroke. The YZ250F has the best forks in the class, period. (2) Kawasaki. The KX250F gets second place because it didn’t make any setup mistakes. The KX250F Showa forks work well in most conditions, and the spring rate is correct for a wide range of riders. The KX250F forks weren’t as plush as the YZ250F’s SSS units, but they were in the ballpark. (3) Honda. No one, from Beginner to Pro, will be satisfied with the stock CRF250 forks. They are harsh in the midstroke. Every bump or ripple in the track sends a painful jolt to the rider’s wrists. These forks were bad last year, and they are bad this year. Thankfully, by lowering the oil height by 10 to 15cc, the midstroke harshness can be greatly diminished. This is a simple fix that will not cost any extra money. (4) KTM. We were pretty happy with the mods that KTM made to the 2009 450SXF forks, but the same magic did not apply to the 250SXF WP units. The 250SXF’s forks mirror Honda’s Showa forks in terms of midstroke harshness. KTM did give lip service to taking some of last year’s midstroke harshness out by lowering the stock oil height by 5cc. Unfortunately, they are still 15cc short of success. Draining the oil allows the WP USD forks to use their full travel.
哪个车辆的化油器设置最好?(1) Suzuki. We had very few issues with the jetting on last year’s 2008 Suzuki RM-Z250, so it should come as no surprise that we were pleased with the stock spec on the ’09. Suzuki went with a smaller pilot jet, which helped liven up the throttle response. Our only troubles came when we added an aftermarket pipe. It threw the jetting off. (2) Yamaha. Yamaha was very close to perfect on jetting, especially for sea-level Southern California tracks. There was a slight hesitation directly off idle, which was remedied by turning the fuel screw out a half a turn. We left everything else alone. (3) Kawasaki. The KX250F jetting was too rich for most conditions found on this planet. We dropped the mainjet, raised the pilot jet and went in on the fuel screw to lean out the jetting. Otherwise, the KX250F has a tendency to feel rich off the bottom and under heavy acceleration. (4) KTM. The 250SXF, like the YZ250F, had a slight bog off the bottom, only it was more pronounced. We figured that fine tuning the fuel screw would eradicate the problem, but it didn’t. In the end, we turned the accelerator pump adjustment screw in until it made contact with the pump and then backed it out a quarter of a turn. This process isn’t easy, but it’s a must-do. (5) Honda. No one should be surprised that the CRF250 finished last in the race for best jetting. The 40mm Keihin carb is too large for the 250 four-stroke engine. We would love to see Honda revert back to the 37mm unit from 2005. The CRF250 coughs, especially when landing off jumps. The fix required a different pilot jet, needle, fuel screw adjustment and also leak jet. 哪个车辆有最好的档位设置? (1) Yamaha. The YZ250F didn’t need the addition of any extra teeth. We tried adding an extra tooth to the rear sprocket, but the gap between second and third gear became too close for comfort. Stick with the stock 13/49 gear combo and be happy. (2) Honda. Like the YZ250F, the CRF250 didn’t need any gearing changes. Thankfully, due to the increased power down low, the 2009 CRF250 gearing works even better than it did last year. (3) Kawasaki. Despite all of the changes made to the 2009 KX250F, none could help the engine handle the stock 13/48 gearing. The Kawasaki is geared too tall. Gearing the bike down a tooth in the rear will close the sizable gap between second and third gear. (4) Suzuki. The RM-Z250’s gearing is manageable, but in order to really emphasize the low-to-mid power, we suggest adding an extra tooth to the rear. The different ratio allows the RM-Z250 to explode out of tight turns in second gear and approach fast turns in third gear. (5) KTM. The 250SXF is geared too tall. The lack of low-end power begs for at least one extra tooth on the rear sprocket. Switching to a 49-tooth sprocket will greatly aid the powerband in maximizing output. On tighter tracks, a 50-tooth sprocket might even be necessary.
哪个车辆有最好的刹车系统? (1) KTM. Comparatively speaking, the 250SXF’s front brake is as powerful as Chuck Norris in a fight against grade schoolers. It is far and away the strongest front brake out of the Big Five, and the rear brake is also very strong. We would love to see the 250SXF front brake on every other bike, because it allowed test riders to go deeper into corners. (2) Yamaha. The YZ250F has relatively strong no-nonsense brakes. Between the two, the rear is much better at stopping on a dime. (3) Suzuki. The 2009 RM-Z250 has a very good front brake, which provides good feel. The downfall of the RM-Z250’s braking system is in the rear, where the brake lacks serious pucker power and is touchy to adjust. (4) Kawasaki. Over the last few years, the KX250F hasn’t had strong brakes. Alas, the ’09 model has the same mediocre braking traits. By no means are the brakes bad, but they can’t even be in the same sentence as the KTM 250SXF brakes. (5) Honda. The CRF250 has strong brakes, front and rear, but there is a major catch. With the stock front disc guard on, the brake system tends to overheat and fade. After we removed the guard (a tedious process of hacksawing the guard away from the molded-in axle spacer) the power of the front brake could last a whole moto. 哪个车辆有最好的轮胎? (1) Yamaha. Yamaha worked with Bridgestone to spec their own front tire, labeled the 403A. The knobs are sharper and the tire itself has a flatter tread pattern to provide for a wider footprint. Every MXA test rider enjoyed the YZ250F-specific Bridgestone 403A front, along with the 404 rear. (2) Kawasaki. The KX250F tire combination was trumped by the YZ250F. Kawasaki outfitted the KX250F with a Bridgestone 403/404 pairing, but the front doesn’t offer as much grip as the 403A. (3) KTM. The Austrian bike also comes with Bridgestone rubber, but KTM opted for a very odd (and almost archaic) Bridgestone M59/M70 combo. These tires prefer soft-to-intermediate dirt and slide on hard pack. (4) Honda. The handling on the CRF250 could be drastically improved by lowering the fork oil height, but gains could also be made by switching the stock Dunlop 742FA front tire. The 742FA works best in intermediate terrain, but slides uncontrollably on hard pack or in wet conditions. (5) Suzuki. The RM-Z250 uses the same Dunlop 742FA/756 tire combo that the CRF250 does. So why is it rated behind the CRF250’s identical tires? Because the RM-Z250 turns so much sharper than the CRF250 that it puts a bigger load on the front tires. We switched the front tire for a 756 or 745 (depending on track conditions).
MXA全体车手如何评价各种车辆的? Kawasaki KX250F. 2009年 KX250F生来就是用来战斗的车子。它强悍,高速,非常适合高级和专业级的骑手。减震器工作非常好,但是前减在拐弯的时候感觉有点硬。原厂车的档位和齿轮配合不好,但是自己可以换一个牙盘来解决这个问题。总体说来,KX250F为质量可靠,耐用度高,战斗而生,战士的选择。 KTM 250SXF. 250SXF非常可爱的机器,如果减震器和档位设计再加强一点的话,它会非常完美。我们乐观的认为KTM可以轻易的改进他们的车子,降低减震油的高度,减少油量,更换一下加速泵的螺丝,再后牙盘上多一个齿。 Yamaha YZ250F. 现在我们要破记录的讨论一下这辆新瓶装旧酒的车子YZ250F。发动机中段表现不错,但是缺少一些有趣的因数。减震器是所有车中最好的,但是地盘表现平平。化油器到位,档位正确。这个是一辆为不求花架子的车手准备的车子。 Honda CRF250. 本田最大的优点是改进了动力。它更快,低扭强。但是化油器和前减震的问题始终不能解决是个忧患。好在,车友可以自己经常维护或者更换减震器和化油器,也不费多少事情。CRF250有最均衡的动力和中规中矩的操作性能。 Suzuki RM-Z250. 2009年的RM-Z250就是在美学上面做了一些改进。但是它还是尾段最好的车子。化油器表现的异常的好,加上超凡的操控性能。三个缺点,动力峰值不够高,档位太高和减震器不容易调节。 但是它始终是一辆好车子,尽管动力有点弱于其他车子。 250F SHOOTOUT WINNER...
(1) Honda CRF250. Surprise! For the first year since its inception, the CRF250 has earned the number one spot in MXA’s 250 Four-Stroke Shootout. How did Honda receive the nod for 2009? The two most important traits of a 250F—the engine and handling—are very good on the CRF250. It’s not a perfect machine (the forks are harsh, the front tire is unpredictable and the jetting is off), but these problems can be easily fixed. The CRF250 was close to winning the crown last year, but thanks to this year’s powerband improvements, it made it to the top step.
(2) Kawasaki KX250F. Kawasaki went back to the drawing board for 2009 and made major changes to an already strong package. These advancements, while many, weren’t that noticeable on the track. Changing the triple clamp offset still yielded a push from center-out in corners, and adding weight to the crank didn’t seem to improve bottom-end performance. The 2009 KX250F is a great bike, but the handling, jetting and gearing need to be fixed.
(3) Yamaha YZ250F. The YZ250F has cemented itself as the third place finisher in MXA’s 250F shootout because it’s a solid package that doesn’t do anything extraordinarily well—save for the Kayaba SSS suspension. The YZ250F is a racer’s bike that has a decent engine and relatively good handling. The question remains as to whether Yamaha will release an all-new YZ250F engine in 2010. It needs it.
(4) KTM 250SXF. KTM has the pedigree for success, if your definition of success doesn’t count suspension, throttle response or gearing. Last year the 250SXF finished last in our shootout. KTM gave it the old college try with many small refinements, but they weren’t enough. Still, the 250SXF can be tweaked to become a much better bike.
(5) Suzuki RM-Z250. Not a single MXA test rider wanted to rate the RM-Z250 in last place. They always said, “It’s so much fun to ride. It deserves a higher ranking.” And then they ranked it fifth. Why? The suspension is undersprung and the engine lacks top end power. Suzuki, by their own design, has pigeonholed the RM-Z250 into being a great bike for mini bike riders making the step up to big bikes. 2009年车辆的化油器调节参考标准 YAMAHA YZ250F Main: 178 Pilot: 42 Needle: NHKR Clip: Fourth from top (4th stock) Fuel screw: 2-1/2 turns out (2 stock) Leak jet: 70 HONDA CRF250 Main: 185 Pilot: 45 (42 stock) Needle: NNWT (NNSU stock) Clip: Third from top Fuel screw: 1-1/4 (2-1/4 stock) Leak jet: 60 (70 stock) KAWASAKI KX250F Main: 180 (182 stock) Pilot: 42 (40 stock) Needle: NHJT Leak jet: 55 Clip: Fourth from top Fuel screw: Two turns out (2-1/8 stock) Leak jet: 55 SUZUKI RM-Z250 Main Jet: 162 Pilot Jet: 42 Needle: NLCT-3 Clip: Third from top Fuel screw: 1-1/2 turns out Leak Jet: 40 KTM 250SXF Main: 175 Pilot: 40 Needle: OBEKP Clip position: Fourth from top Fuel screw: 1-1/4 turns (1 stock) Leak jet: 50 2009年新车的减震器设置 YAMAHA YZ250F Spring rate: 0.45 kg/mm Oil quantity: 521cc Compression: Eight clicks out (nine stock) Rebound: Nine clicks out (ten stock) Fork leg height: 5mm up HONDA CRF250 Spring rate: 0.46 kg/mm Oil quantity: 398cc (408cc) Compression: 11 clicks out (seven stock) Rebound: Nine clicks out HPSD: Seven clicks out KAWASAKI KX250F Spring rate: 0.44 kg/mm Oil height: 306 cc Compression: Nine clicks out Rebound: Nine clicks out (11 out) Fork leg height: 5mm up SUZUKI RM-Z250 Spring rate: 0.46 kg/mm (0.44 stock) Oil height: 370cc Compression: Ten clicks out Rebound: 12 Clicks out Fork leg height: 2mm up KTM 250SXF Spring rate: 0.46 kg/mm Oil height: 370cc (385cc stock) Compression: 16 clicks out (15 stock) Rebound: 20 clicks out (19 stock) Fork leg height: 5mm up 2009年中央避震的解调参考标准 YAMAHA YZ250F Spring rate: 5.3 kg/mm Race sag: 100mm High-compression: 1-3/4 turns out (1-1/2 stock) Low-compression: Nine clicks out Rebound: Eight clicks out HONDA CRF250 Spring rate: 5.3 kg/mm Race sag: 102mm High-compression: Two turns out (2-1/8 stock) Low-compression: 16 clicks out (11 stock) Rebound: Six clicks out (11 stock) KAWASAKI KX250F Spring rate: 5.4 kg/mm Race sag: 100mm High-compression: 1-1/4 turns out (2-1/4 stock) Low-compression: Nine clicks out (12 stock) Rebound: Ten clicks out (12 stock) SUZUKI RM-Z250 Spring rate: 5.6 kg/mm (5.4 stock) Race sag: 100mm High-compression: Two turns out Low-compression: Eight clicks out Rebound: Eight clicks out KTM 250SXF Spring rate: 6.9 kg/mm Race sag: 110mm High-compression: 1-3/4 turns out (one stock) Low-compression: 12 clicks out (15 stock) Rebound: 19 clicks out (22 stock)
发动机, 化油器, 减震器, 齿轮箱, 专业